I joined MIVAL in 2017 and it has been a wonderful experience and opportunity to be able to show and sell my art along with all of the other talented members.

In my abstract art, I challenge myself to answer artistic questions in the moment without the pressure of a planned result. The abstract forms and flowing paint free me to step beyond the specificity and structure of craft and the frozen-in-time nature of photography (both long time passions of mine) and discover a kind of movement and experimentation that is different than in my other work

Each painting is a unique journey — an exploration of artistic principles and an opportunity to discover new techniques and change approaches as I create. I begin with a visual inspiration — an item, image, or pattern, often something I photographed. I examine and reconsider the subject, framing and reframing it until there is a relationship and balance that I like. I commit paint to canvas without limiting myself to the parameters of the inspirational idea or image, but letting the process suggest new line and shape. From there, it is a dance, adding color, shape, pattern and texture, building new line, repeating until the piece says stop.
In the end, each finished piece embodies its many steps, but also stands alone – process and result equally and interdependent, but also separate and independently valid. Carol is a new artist, a former attorney and an ardent teacher and mentor.