In my past life, I was an Operating Room nurse and very left brained! When I retired from Nursing for the first time in 1993 I took several art classes to awaken my right brain. I started with watercolor and over the years I have taken classes from Chuck Webster; Cathe Gill; Michelle Cooper; Carol Strecher Jones; Susie Short and Anne Breckon. My Sumi-e classes were with Hiroko Seki, Lois Yoshida and Y. Zhu. While developing my ‘artistic inner self’ I find I look at my world in a different way. I am now more aware of color, texture and the atmospheric environment of the Pacific Northwest. I like to paint landscapes, flowers and animals and play around with different techniques and media. I have a Muse but she is very undisciplined and seems to take too many breaks from our art studio. I’m hoping we’ll become more disciplined in 2014.

I joined MIVAL in 2005 and sold my first painting at the 2007 Summer Celebration Show. What I have found belonging to MIVAL is that there are so many opportunities and events in which an artist can submit their art. This group is supportive, helpful and encouraging. I am one of the original artists who joined the MIVAL Gallery in 2010 and have had many successes selling my cards and paintings there. It is wonderful that we have MIVAL to support and encourage us. But you know what? MIVAL is us!
I’ve been a ‘left brain’ person most of my life. In 1993 I retired from nursing and started taking art classes to get my ‘right brain’ engaged. Over the years I have taken watercolor classes from Chuck Webster, Cathe Gill, Michelle Cooper, Carol Strecher Jones, Susie Short and Hiroko Seki (Sumi-e). I’m am mostly inspired by nature’s colors and natural light. I also have a ‘Muse’ who sometimes shows up to nudge me away from my left brain.